Our Policy


Trojan Construction Private Limited

Trojan Construction is a well-respected construction company that is involved in a full range of Buildings construction and Infrastructure Projects. We provide our Professional contracting services throughout Pakistan. It is the policy of Trojan Construction to provide a service that exceeds our client’s expectations. We do this by attracting the most qualified employees and by seeking the most reputable and high quality sub-contractors and products.

Trojan Construction has adopted Occupational Health & Safety Management system that complies with the International Standard OHSAS 18001:2007.

As part of Trojan OH & S policy, Trojan has:

  • Provided and implemented safe systems of work.
  • Provided and maintained safe places of work, free from risks to health.
  • Provided and maintained safe working equipment.
  • Provided information, instructions, trainings and supervision to all its personal.
  • Ensured that all employees are competent to do their work
  • Consulted with its employees on matters affecting their health and safety.
  • Encouraged the participation of all employees in improving health and safety standards.
  • Strived to continuously improve health and safety management and performance.
  • Provided and maintained sufficient resources for the management of health and safety.
  • Implemented a system of monitoring, reviewing and reporting on health and safety performance issues.

The Trojan Construction’s five rules at work are as follows:

  • I assess and control risks before starting any task.
  • I only perform activities for which I am authorized.
  • I never override or misuse health and safety devices and I always use the required PPE.
  • I report all incidents.